Thursday, December 27, 2012

How To Choose ERP System

HOW TO CHOOSE ERP SYSTEM --  In general, an ERP system that goes in many countries of the world have proven success sufficient, but not necessarily a success can be a guarantee that the ERP system will be used (suitable) for companies in other countries. Of the many that have been outlined regarding ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning), will certainly pose a question for us all is how we choose a suitable ERP application for the company or our industry?

 Some analysts argue that if you want your company to rely on developed and developing ERP application, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration in implementing an ERP application, namely:

1) Features
Software that is classified as ERP applications are generally designed in order to provide solutions for any type of company or industry (horizontal solution). But, in fact, every industry has its own characteristics. This led to the emergence of the functions or features in ERP applications that are specific to certain industries (vertical solution).

Therefore, the features that you need in day-to-day operations should be supported by the selected ERP applications. Sometimes we see the great features that based on the new theory, we need to carefully assess whether the new feature can be applied to the current situation.

Misunderstandings or wrong based on factors features will lead to chaos and even inhibit the operation of the company. Indeed, many companies are planting time for this assessment. Usually match or not we can investigate from the list of consumers who have used the ERP application and whether the consumer industry is similar to our industry.

2) Technology
One of the leading ERP applications industry analyst once said 'when selecting ERP application, you should see the technology used behind it'. Unfortunately, many users are choosing ERP applications do not necessarily give enough attention to this.

To find out which technology to use is a challenge for the department MIS / EDP our company, which is usually more up to date than the other departments. Usually ERP application selection was driven from the user (users) are more focused on features, so that the technology factor is usually overlooked. As a result, there was a problem in the future as many companies are 'stuck' with a system called 'legacy'.

3) Human resources
Any sophisticated our technology today, ERP applications is still not perfect as expected humans. Therefore, how successful was that we selected ERP applications from abroad, in our country may not necessarily be the way if it is not supported by strong local support. We must be so careful to choose a vendor that can commit to what they have to offer for the ERP application package deal is very different than dealing with the sale PC or desktop software package.

In many countries of the world today there are several vendors are beginning to develop applications that implement the Local ERP 'best practice process "which applies to firms in the country. And providing overall support of the Local ERP applications that have been developed.In addition to vendors, companies are also required to provide skilled human resources in implementing the ERP application implementation projects.

4) Infrastructure
Infrastructure in this case including a support system for the implementation of the ERP project, the other is
a. whether the vendor provides HelpDesk and
b. whether the vendor has a standard operating procedure for such procedure / methodology in implementing ERP applications;
c. whether the vendor know what steps should be taken at the time of customization,
d. whether the vendor can explain what steps must be taken before the system 'go-live'.
e. It should be noted also likely need upgrading in the future, whether the vendor know the configuration of the system that has been installed on the consumer after say two years later?

In principle, it should be able to distinguish a modest infrastructure with a truly reliable. Implementation of an ERP application is an ongoing process. Once started it is not possible discontinued and no point of perfection. There is only a refinement process that will never stop.

 In general, ERP applications into a country's proven success, but the success in other countries may not necessarily be a guarantee that the ERP application will be used (suitable) for companies in other countries because of many factors to consider and think about in choosing the use of the ERP application.


John Lee said...

choosing the right ERP software. Conduct a process review and analysis. Evaluate the technical fit. Understand the total cost of ownership. Develop a realistic implementation plan. for more tips or idea kindly check this SAP Philippines.

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