Thursday, January 3, 2013

ERP For Small Business

ERP Small Business
ERP FOR SMALL BUSINESS -- For Small and Medium Business with different location, ERP can help better manage business regardless of its location. Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, integrates internal and external information across your entire organisation. It allows for the transfer of information between all areas or departments of your business, from finance, manufacturing and HR to sales and service, through a single streamlined system. ERP software can handle all of enterprise data, efficiency and integration are key to managing time and processes.

We can installed ERP Program  on a computer but we  cannot be accessed while away from the office.If a computer or laptop is lost or damaged, it can present issues if the data was not backed up recently. Recording data with Excel is time-consuming, error prone, and it is difficult to track versions. Difficult to share data throughout the company.

While many consider that ERP systems are only effective for larger enterprises with big teams to handle implementation, updates, reporting and analysis, there are actually small business ERP systems available which, while being less complex, are designed to effectively manage the core facets required of smaller businesses. In fact, ERP is invaluable for smaller businesses in that it allows them to run larger operations without the need for extra personnel. In particular, ERP offers effective solutions for wholesale, distribution and manufacturing and can cover:

  •     Project management/finance
  •     Inventory management
  •     Sales/order management
  •     Customer relationship management
  •     Workflow
  •     Human resource / payroll

For example, when a customer order is placed, it generally takes a paper-based journey from department to department, being handled several times in and out of various trays or inboxes and being re-keyed in various systems with potential for errors and delays, and with limited information regarding its status. With integrated ERP software, all departments can view and update an order as soon as it is placed – less handling, less administration time, less room for discrepancies, and most of all, less expense.



iLeaf Ritz Banquets said...

An important topic-I'm so happy to see it addressed.For Small and Medium Business with different location, ERP can help better manage business regardless of its location. CRM ERP module offers effective customer compliant management tool that includes repairs processing ans document management.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the article it was very informative.
How Much Does An ERP System in Travel Business

MWI Solutions said...

Very fantastic and well-written blog.

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