Friday, January 11, 2013

Using ERP For Customer Relationship Management

ERP CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT -- In the area of ​​any business,the best business organization must focus on the customer satisfaction. Customers can vary depending on the field of business, for example, shoppers, students in the field of education, the patients in the hospital business and others.I n analyzing customer needs , required data  processing and proper decision to  support the customers.  ERP applications system helped them automate and optimize their internal business processes, in areas such as finance, grants management, enrollment, inventory management, and human resources and freed them from some of the minutia found in day-to-day operations.

Customer Relationship Management can be handled by the ERP system, most of  ERP systems already have a module or function that handles CRM. ERP CRM  focus on automating and improving processes, although the focus is on front office areas, such as recruiting, marketing, customer service, and support. CRM goes several steps further than ERP by helping institutions maximize their customer-centric resources.

Customer Relationshop Management ERP is a business strategy and a set of discrete software tools and technologies, with the goal of reducing costs, increasing revenue, identifying new opportunities and channels for expansion, and improving customer value, satisfaction, profitability, and retention.

CRM software applications embody best practices and employ advanced technologies to help organizations achieve these goals. CRM focuses on automating and improving the institutional
processes associated with managing customer relationships in the areas of recruitment, marketing, communication management, service, and support. CRM takes a very customer-centric view of the entire customer life cycle, which means that a CRM business strategy places the customer at the center of the organization’s universe.

From the perspective of the customer, a CRM business strategy allows interaction with the customer from a single entity that has a complete understanding of their unique status. In the case of a customer, this might be seen through the interaction with and between the sales order,purchase, shipping, billing and other.


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