Thursday, December 27, 2012

How To Implement ERP System

erp implementation
ERP SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION -- Companies are increasingly implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions to improve operations and provide faster customer response. Every type of business you're in, implementing an ERP solution is a critical project that must be taken seriously. Choosing an ERP solution that meets your specific business requirements will enable you to have a smoother implementation.From concerns about cost and demonstrating ROI, to practical considerations about who will manage the process at your company, ERP implementation efforts require commitment by a project team and support by business leaders to ensure success.

One of the top reasons ERP implementations fail is because the software doesn’t meet basic industry specific business requirements. However; purchasing an ERP application is only half the battle. A well designed implementation plan is the key to success. Choosing an ERP solution that meets your specific business requirements will enable you to have a smoother implementation.

There are best practices to consider when selecting and deploying a ERP system:
1. Select the Best ERP Implementation for Your Business
Given the range of functions that ERP encompasses, it should come as no surprise that there are multiple types of ERP implementations. You can choose to build your own custom ERP and program it from the bottom up, though the cost and complexity of taking on such a huge project can make a do-it-yourself approach a poor one.

2. Get Executive Buy-In and Build Consensus around ERP Implementation

Getting buy-in from company executives means more than just getting a signature to approve investment in an ERP solution (though that is certainly important); it means educating leadership about what ERP implementation means for the company. More than just software, ERP technology can transform the business, an idea that executives must support before moving forward with any deployment effort. Frequent communication from executives about ERP implementation plans and changing processes are vital to helping build consensus—and even excitement—across your company.

3. Set Realistic Expectations for ERP Implementation

ERP software is powerful technology that can streamline processes, improve visibility, reduce costs, and completely change the way that your company does business—but it won't happen overnight. ERP solutions encompass many complex front- and back-office systems, from accounting and inventory management to ecommerce and CRM, which need to be integrated to create a seamless experience for end users.

4. Focus on Staff Resources and Strong Project Management

Before starting any ERP implementation, make sure that your company has the staff resources in place to see the project through to completion. This may seem like an obvious point, but many companies begin deployment without resourcing it adequately, resulting in overworked, unhappy employees and a less-than-optimal installation.(#netsuite).


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