Friday, January 11, 2013

DIY OpenERP Practices And Implementation

OpenErp Create New Database
OPENERP IMPLEMENTATION -- The best way to learn OpenErp is to create a simulation of  OpenERP running on real business. We can used Demonstration database  from open erp to apply openerp in real business. This demonstration database very useful for understanding Open ERP’s general capabilities, but if you want to implement OpenErp for your business you must start with empty database. In this example case of Openerp implementation, business process that enables you to  buy products from a supplier,stock the products in a warehouse,sell these products to a customer. The system should support all aspects of invoicing, payments to suppliers and receipts from customers.

Setting Openerp For Basic Implementation

In this business process case, you must install several moduls  needed for the business process. You need model of the suppliers,the customers,some products, inventory for despatch,a purchase order,a sale order, invoices,and payments. To test the system you will need at least one supplier, one customer, one product, a warehouse, a minimal chart of accounts and a bank account.

1. Start Create Database name openerp_ch03
We assumed you used web based interface to access OpenErp. From login form, please click Manage Database Menu and after form appear please entry :
  • New Database Name :openerp_ch03.

  • Load Demonstration data checkbox:Checked

  • Default Language : English

  • Administrator password :  entry your password and password again in below.

  • Click Create Menu and wait for moment.
Openerp Create New Database

After a short delay you are connected to the new openerp_ch03 database as user admin with the password you gave it. OpenErp ready to used.

2. Installing OpenERP Modules
After successfully login into the openerp system you must installl and configure modules that you needed to run your business process scenario.All of the functional needs are provided by core modules from Open ERP. You need to just decide which functionality you want in your system. From the Setting --> Modules , you can choose modules to install by click Install menu.

For the instance, you need install  following application.
• product management (the product module),
• inventory control (the stock module),
• accounting and finance (the account module),
• purchase management (the purchase module),
• sales management (the sale module).

Installing Purchase Management Modules also automatic Install module below:
- Purchases
- Warehouse
- Accounting

After the follow through the complete wizard you can have the system that can perform all required functionality. In your dashboard will like this picture:

3. Configuring Account For OpenErp System
Next step to implement openerp system is configuring account. Accounts must be configured to meet your company’s needs. In this case need to start off with a minimal set of accounts, and to do that you will need a couple of account types. You can structure your accounts into a chart at any time (and, in fact, you can structure them into several additional charts.

Create account types using Accounting --> Configuration -->Financial Accounting  --> Accounts -->Account Types and then clicking the New button.

In this example of openerp implementation you need  create four account types. You need accounts to handle the purchase and sales orders that have not yet been paid, two more for the receipt
and shipping of goods, and one for the payment and receipt of funds. And one ‘organizing’ account that is just a view of the other five.

Creating Journal OpenERP 

 You will also need to configure some journals, which are used to record the transactions from one account to another when invoices are raised and then paid. Create journals from the menu Accounting --> Configuration --> Financial Accounting -->Journals -->  Journals and then clicking the New button.

OpenErp Create Journal
OpenErp Create Journal

Mistakes in configuring journals In OpenErp It is easy to make mistakes in configuring the journals, too, and the consequences are also not immediately obvious. You will mostly discover mistakes when creating an invoice (which happens at different points in the process depending on your configuration). In this example, validating a Purchase Order creates a draft invoice where a journal is required.

As with accounts and properties, if you configure them correctly at this stage then the fields will be completed automatically and you will never know a thing. If you do not configure all this correctly then there will be errors with the order form or corresponding draft invoice until you have corrected the problem or until you manually set the journal.



iLeaf Ritz Banquets said...

Great post. You know we all think about this very topic.The best way to learn OpenErp is to create a simulation of OpenERP running on real business.This demonstration database very useful for understanding Open ERP’s general capabilities. ERP modules PPT clearly explains how many modules are integrated with the major functional areas of an organization.

scoot said...

erp softwares

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