Monday, January 14, 2013

Increasing Sales With ERP System

INCREASING SALES WITH ERP --  Sales productivity is an important component in every  business. Effective sales activity is the key to success in sales. Therefore there must be an effort to cut the routine activity  becomes automatic, so the sales focus on efforts to increase market penetration. ERP system or ERP Software can handle this task bautomatically. With powerful ERP software, the will automatically run much of your business for you. Existing customers will want to give you more business. And, you will have much more time to focus on new business. In fact, choosing the right ERP software will help you increase sales

With ERP system ,how much time is freed up because quoting is more accurate and easily generated. Because it requires very little input generating a sales order, work order, packing list or invoice. Because purchasing and scheduling are automated. Because shop floor control is easy to use with minimum input and very little, if any, paper. And so on, and so forth.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system can automate the process of a multitude of front-office and back-office functions. From accounting, HR, and other staff management functions to manufacturing and shipping, a well-integrated ERP system can make the difference for your business. This means customizing the ERP system to your business’s unique needs, providing comprehensive training to your employees, and giving the proper personnel access to the right areas. The ability to quickly and effectively view and manage tasks will not only save time, it will keep you and your employees accountable for the work that must be performed.

In the ERP software industry,Gartner analysis highlights  the globe ERP software revenue will soon shoot upwards to $253.7 billion. This is an increase of 7.5 percent when compared to that of 2010.Gartner analysts further stated that firms are striving to enhance business intelligence and content management systems and are ready to invest in solutions that will help them meet the demands of an ever changing market.

ERP software for manufacturers should help lower costs and streamline operations. What is a real surprise is how much it helps to increase sales. A good ERP software solution should let you quote faster and more accurately for improved closing ratios. It should also automate purchasing (often called APS), inventory control, shipping, invoicing and other expensive, time-consuming activities. And, it will dramatically improve quality and on-time delivery while giving you total control of the shop floor.

If problems are not properly addressed as they happen, they can create a bottleneck that affects a number of systems and procedures. To make sure needs are met as quickly as possible, make sure the system for getting the word out is automated. For example, if there’s a delay in shipping, a smoothly automated CRM system will let the customer know what to expect as soon as it happens.

Good problem response also means having a visible place on your website where customers can register errors or ask questions, and having a ticket tracking system on the other end to handle any errors, complaints, questions or requests. Ask Clarity about what we can do to help you improve your eCommerce business’s productivity.


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